Please read carefully the Hotel Occupany Tax (hereon refered to as 'HOT') guidelines before completing this application. The guidelines provide an explanation of the "two-part" test as well as the nine (9) categories of activities that govern how revenue from the HOT may be used. Click here to view / download a copy of the guidelines.
The document also describes the criteria on which applications will be evaluated and the required documentation that must be submitted with each application. As a condition of accepting grant funds, the applicant agrees to provide the City of Sonora with a full financial accounting of the event within sixty (60) days of the event's conclusion.
Application forms are available online at or may be picked up at the Chamber of Commerce office. Applicants must submit a completed application and provide required support documentation.
Completed applications will be accepted via email or may be delivered to the Chamber of Commerce office.
Multiple applications from a group will be accepted. However, each event / program must have a separate application and budget.